Tuesday, March 06, 2012

140 Days and counting...

So, yesterday was the Remedies final. Capstone started Sunday. As a result, I now have three classes, two ending mid-May and Capstone ending early June. Also, by the way, I'm not sure if anyone else notices, but 140 days is NOT VERY MANY! Huh.

Meanwhile... back to work... I am "she who shall be writing oil field site records possibly for the rest of time." It's cool... me and the oil wells, we've got a thing goin' on... a thing where I have to run away from them quickly when the H2S meter goes off! 

Will probably head back out to the field not this weekend, but the next two after that. Between now and then, there will be some fun. More on that as it unfolds.

I can already tell this will be a deadly boring few months -- maybe boring is the wrong word -- tedious might be a better word... In any case, I need another gimmick to make it more interesting! Photo op of the day? New concept of the day? Bad TV quote of the day? This is a concept in progress.... :-)

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Well. Made it through the two finals on Friday. That's all I'll say at this point, lest I re-trigger the massive trauma that I suffered in the wake of the Wills and Trusts exam! Now trying to determine how to pass tomorrow's Remedies exam... and that will take care of the last three core law school classes... EVER! 

Of course, another course, Capstone, opened today, so I'll have that to fill the spot in my heart left empty by the absence of Community Property, Wills and Trusts, and Remedies. Oh. And there are my two electives that have been entirely ignored for well over a month, Advocacy and Cyberlaw. So there's some catching up to do there! But... we need not think of such things until 1:15PM tomorrow. :-)

Moot court? That will surely occupy its own 7 million posts as it approaches.

Now to try to study for a few hours, long enough to feel assured that the Girl Scouts have set up outside the Albertsons so I can get another Starbucks redeye and some Thin Mints! 

P.S. I registered yesterday for the July Bar exam... that's as real as it gets at this point -- whee! 

Thursday, March 01, 2012

I started this blog a loooong time ago -- that means back in the magical world that was Pre-Law School! I remember that time... sort of... and can't wait to return to it again -- well, actually to enter the new magical world that will be Post-Law School! 

So, now this blog will chronicle my attempts, here now in my last three months of law school and then two months of Bar prep, to git this sucker done and PASS THE BAR EXAM in JULY 2012!! 

Yup, I need to open up A No. 10 Size Can of Whoop Ass on this thing!